What To Eat To Make Your Body Ready For A Half Marathon


Shubhi Sidnis

Feb 08, 2023

upcoming marathon in bhopal

The one question that remains in the minds of half marathon runners of all experience levels more frequently than any other is: What are the healthiest foods for me to consume in the week leading up to the half marathon and the morning of the race? A runner's diet in the week leading up to a half marathon is very important in determining their success on race day. So this is an excellent question. Before the start of the race, check that you are adequately hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Consume a lot of water in the days leading up to the race, and especially on race day. This ensures you are as hydrated as possible before crossing the starting line until you reach the finish line. Consume a diet high in complex carbohydrates, such as bread, rice, pasta, and starchy vegetables. Before jumping on to the actual topic, let us tell you about the Pankh MP Half Marathon, an initiative by the Bansal News to give wings of hope to the under-19 sports achievers of Madhya Pradesh. You can register for the race by going to the website www.mpmarathon.run.

    A Week Before The Race

    You can start consuming more total carbohydrates by incorporating foods with a low glycemic index, such as pasta and starches, into your diet daily throughout the week. In the past, athletes would try to trick their bodies into overcompensating and storing more fuel by depleting their carbohydrate stores in the week leading up to a competition and then going on a carbohydrate binge in the final few days. Unfortunately, this strategy is no longer effective. It is sufficient to ensure that a higher percentage of calories you consume daily come from carbohydrates. Remember that because you are not running as much as you have been, eating more excessively than you normally would cause you to feel bloated and lethargic. you normally would cause you to feel bloated and lethargic. Relax and try not to go overboard now that we have reached this stage in the nutrition cycle. Sweet potatoes, pasta, baked potatoes, brown rice, sandwiches, bagels with peanut butter, quinoa, whole grains, and oatmeal are some foods that fall into this category.

      1. 48 Hours Before The Start Of The Half Marathon

      You should eat a substantial meal two nights before the race. It will allow your body plenty of time to digest whatever you eat, preventing you from feeling bloated the morning of the race. Too many people have been seen overindulging in pasta the night before a race, only to show up the next morning feeling sluggish and weighed down by the food they have consumed. Suppose you have yet to experience the bloated sensation; in that case, you should wait to schedule a strenuous workout. However, if you have, then you know what it is about. For illustration, the overwhelming majority of people report that pasta is their top choice, but other options include pizza, rice, and potatoes.

        2. 24 Hours and Everything Before It

        Consume normal, balanced meals throughout the day, as you would on any other training day. Make sure you take in a lot of fluids throughout the day and focus specifically on getting your hydration from electrolyte-rich drinks like Gatorade or electrolyte tablets like Nuun. It is helpful to keep a water bottle on you at all times during the day to remind you to drink water regularly. Your primary meals should still consist of a low glycemic index. This will keep your blood sugar levels stable. In addition, if you do not push yourself too hard in the days leading up to the race, you should feel satisfied more quickly.

          3. 18 Hours Before The Start Of The Half Marathon

          You should begin eating smaller meals every two to three hours, but after lunch, you should avoid foods like red meat, fried foods, dairy products, nuts, and roughage. You need to limit your diet to foods that are easy to digest and are not heavy, such as energy bars, bread, and small sandwiches. Maintain your intake of water and electrolyte-containing beverages, and stay away from foods that are high in fibre and salt. For instance, energy bars, bread, cereal, and miniature sandwiches are all examples.

            4. 4 Hours And Less

            You need to get up sufficiently early in the morning before the race to eat a light breakfast and have plenty of time for digestion to begin before the starting gun goes off. If you want to eat a light meal before you run, you need to wake up at least three hours in advance of the competition to give yourself enough time to consume the meal. You should aim to consume mostly water, along with some electrolyte fluid, unless you are aware that the temperatures at the race are going to be high. Refrain from thinking that chugging your water bottle will help you get all of your fluids down. Consume liquids in moderate amounts and at regular intervals. According to calculations, you will need 6 ounces every hour. On particularly warm days, you will need 8 ounces every hour. Many runners will consume an energy GU or gel before the starting gun goes off. Experts suggest doing this if you have a delicate stomach and it has been at least three hours since your last meal. After that, you should consume more solid foods 60–90 minutes before the race starts if you can. You will likely need to consume another two or three energy gels before the race is over. Energy gels are composed of simple sugars for the most part. However, even for those with the most intense cravings for sweets, this amount of sugar is quite excessive. The perfect way to start the day is oatmeal with a banana and some coffee. Other choices are toast with honey or peanut butter, cereal in its dry form, or bagels with peanut butter. You should now know what works best for you before you aim for that finish line. At this point, stick with what works, so keep doing what works. You can also refer to our training guide for half marathon and get a professional perspective to train yourself for the big run.

              The Final Say

              Following the right diet plan and eating clean and healthy will help you reach your ideal body weight for the half marathon and encourage your body to reach the finish line and be half marathon ready. Besides that, it will keep you healthy and provide all the necessary strength for the big run. So eat clean and healthy and finish up the race in style.

                The Pankh MP Half Marathon is an initiative of the Bansal News to support the persistence and commitment of the upcoming Sport Stars of Madhya Pradesh. There are three categories in the marathon:

                • Half-Marathon (21.0975 km)
                • Open 10k (10km)
                • Run for Fun (6km)

                MP Pankh Half Marathon will be concluded with Pankh Khel Protsahan Awards to reward young sports achievers. The event will commence on 26th February 2023 from the TT Nagar Stadium, Bhopal. If you are a fitness and running enthusiast, then come forward and join this thrilling event. So what are you waiting for? Register now and be a part of the Pankh MP Half-Marathon. Click here! https://mpmarathon.run/registration/marathon Contact - 942 582 7903, 7880094636, 8269199962 Website- mp.marathon.run Email - [email protected] Instagram - @mp.marathon Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/pankhmarathon/

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