How To Prepare Yourself Before The Marathon?


Shubhi Sidnis

Feb 14, 2022

upcoming marathon in bhopal

The process of training for a half marathon is a half marathon in itself. Here are some pointers to help you prepare for the big event, including your strength training and keeping your mind calm before the race. Before jumping to the topic, let us tell you about the Pankh MP Half Marathon, an initiative by Bansal News to support the dreams of under-19 sports achievers of Madhya Pradesh. To register for the race, you can go to the website

    Why Does Half Marathon Require Preparation?

    Intense planning, commitment, and abilities are required to become a professional half marathon runner. Despite this, making poor decisions during the race can undo all the planning and hard work you put in over the past few months. The following are some general pointers that can help you avoid doing unnecessary harm to your body while also making the experience of competing in a race more enjoyable for you.

      Tips To Train Yourself For The Big Run

      The process of training for a half marathon is challenging but ultimately rewarding. So do not let the fact that you have never run more than a quarter of a mile before prevent you from beginning the journey!

        1. Work On Improving Your Mental Game

        Many runners tend to gloss over the psychological aspect of training. You should picture your mind as being similar to a muscle. You must train your hamstrings, calves, and core to prepare for challenges and discomfort. It is one of the few times in your running that you give your 100 per cent, and you have to subject yourself to understanding how to deal with your feelings and continue to push yourself through the half marathon to reach the finish line.

          2. Pace Yourself

          When the race starts, you need to know exactly how fast you will run. A good long run is between 2:45 and 3:00, with four sets of 10 minutes at half marathon goal pace, followed by five-minute recoveries between each set.

            3. Exercise Your Intuition

            Fueling your body while you run is an effective strategy for ensuring you enter the final 5 kilometres of the half marathon feeling strong and prepared to reach the finish line. First, however, you need to get some practice in with your fueling strategy before the race. Gels are a convenient way to quickly introduce energy into your body while running; aim to consume one gel approximately every half an hour while competing. Then, take your gel slowly for over three to four minutes. If you have difficulty using gels, you can also go for other options.

              4. Focus On The Things You Do Well

              Runners who can keep their posture and technique throughout a half marathon will find it much simpler to keep up their pace in the later stages of the race. Even though strength training can help runners improve their performance, it is often overlooked by runners. Exercises such as split squats (shown below), single-leg squats, and bridges, in addition to core work consisting of planks and side planks, should be used during one or two of the sessions each week to concentrate on building strength.

                5. Keep An Eye On Both Your Physical And Mental State

                The training you do for the half marathon does not take place in a vacuum. Your ability to train effectively and recover quickly will be impacted by factors such as your job, family, and social life. Keep a sharp lookout for the red flags that indicate you may be 'under-recovering.' Using an app that measures heart rate variability (HRV), you can keep track of your day-to-day training readiness and keep an eye out for things like erratic sleep patterns, recurring minor illnesses or niggles, and a decline in motivation. Be flexible with your plans to accommodate busy times and stressful events in your professional or personal life.

                  Good Sleep And Well Rested Body Ensures Winning

                  Receiving adequate rest and sleep is an essential component of the adaptation process. We have all heard of the mythical 'magical eight hours,' but in reality, the quality and consistency of your sleep are just as important as the total amount of time you spend in bed. You should strive for consistent sleep and wake-up time, as well as a sleeping environment that is cool, quiet, and dark. Try to avoid using your phone in the last hour before going to bed.

                    On The Day Of The Race, How Should I Get Ready?

                    Get some early sleep! Arrive at the venue at least one hour before the start of the race. You should avoid going into the race with the feeling of being rushed for time. Eat some food to get some calories. It is a good idea to eat whatever you find to be effective before your long runs of training. Also, make sure you get plenty of water. Lubricate any areas that have been giving you trouble with chafing before you begin to dress. For example, suppose you have had issues with blisters or hot spots in the past. In that case, you should treat the area preventatively. The timing chip is now attached to the bib at most races. Keep this attached for now. Your bag check tag will likely be fastened to the back of your bib. When checking your extra gear, follow the instructions included in the pre-race information.

                      The Final Say

                      Training for a half marathon is a journey that is only sometimes smooth and linear. There will be runs you need to miss or reschedule, workouts that do not go according to plan, and races that leave you feeling less than stellar. However, as the weeks pass, you must focus on the positive results; it is not about what you do not finish but rather what you do. Maintain a training journal in which you jot down two or three things that went well each week. These could be successful runs, conditioning that was accomplished, or an improvement in your nutrition. Suppose something still needs to be worked out as planned. In that case, it is important to reflect on what you have learned from the experience and adapt accordingly.

                        The Upcoming Half-Marathon Of MP

                        The Pankh MP Half Marathon is an initiative of the Bansal News to support the persistence and commitment of the upcoming Sport Stars of Madhya Pradesh. There are three categories in the marathon:

                        • Half-Marathon (21.0975 km)
                        • Open 10k (10km)
                        • Run for Fun (6km)

                        MP Pankh Half Marathon will be concluded with Pankh Khel Protsahan Awards to reward young sports achievers. The event will commence on 26th February 2023 from the TT Nagar Stadium, Bhopal. If you are a fitness and running enthusiast, then come forward and join this thrilling event. So what are you waiting for? Register now and be a part of the Pankh MP Half-Marathon. Click here! Contact - 942 582 7903, 7880094636, 8269199962 Website- Email - [email protected] Instagram - @mp.marathon Facebook-

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