If you have ever run a half marathon or are currently training for one, you have probably heard of the term 'hitting the wall.' Still, hopefully, you have never actually experienced it. At that point in the competition, your body will have depleted its reserves of glycogen and stored carbohydrates, forcing it to rely on stored fat as its primary energy source.
Burning fat is less efficient than burning carbohydrates, your body will start to feel fatigued, and you will find that your pace will slow down significantly. Some people have described the sensation as similar to running through mud or with bags of sand on their feet.
The question now is, what are the most effective ways to prevent having that awful experience? By conditioning your body with long runs every week? Running long distances has several advantages, including making better use of your body's stored energy and having more time to iron out any problems with your apparatus or your diet. Discover a few benefits that will accrue to you as a result of increasing the miles you run.
A long run is an extended period spent running further than you would during a typical workout. A long run exceeds an hour and typically accounts for more than 30 per cent of your typical weekly mileage.Due to this, your body will become more powerful and more efficient at running. Then you can train to become a professional half-marathon runner. In addition, long runs help you become mentally more challenging, giving you the confidence you need to reach the finish line.
But before talking about the benefits of long runs, let us tell you about the Pankh MP Half Marathon, an initiative by Bansal News to give wings to the hopes of under-19 sports achievers. To register for the race, you can visit the website www.mpmarathon.run.
The Positive Effects That Long Runs Have On Health
The lungs and quadriceps of an endurance runner are two of their most distinguishing physical characteristics. You may not realise it now, but running long distances has the potential to improve your body and mind in ways that you could never have imagined. For example, researchers in Finland have recently discovered that long-distance runners have improved learning abilities.
1. Make Your Spirit More Courageous
When you run, your heart pumps increased quantities of blood and oxygen to the muscles that are working, which causes your heart rate to increase. According to Robert Standley, PhD, a marathoner and principal scientist in clinical research for Abbott's vascular business, 'This increase in activity and blood flow over time improves your heart's efficiency, which can lead to a lower resting heart rate and blood pressure levels.'
In fact, a study conducted in the year 2020 discovered that first-time half marathon runners experienced advantageous reductions in blood pressure and aortic stiffness, equivalent to approximately a four-year reduction in vascular age.
2. Develop Fatigue-Resistant Muscles
According to Lonnie Lowery, PhD, senior research scientist, adult nutrition in Abbott's Scientific and Medical Affairs division, 'Your muscles adapt very specifically to the type of exercise you are doing.' Your body will provide you with the tools you need to be successful.
According to Lowery, this means that endurance runners should work to increase the amount of type 1 muscle fibres in their bodies. This makes the muscles more resistant to fatigue.Lowery recommends doing strength exercises and endurance training for anyone interested in preserving or constructing more powerful and explosive type 2 muscle fibres.
3. Increases Self-Assurance As Well As Mental Fortitude
Long runs not only help you build the necessary endurance and physically prepare you for running 13 miles, but they also get you ready for the challenge of staying focused and mentally strong so that you do not reach a point where your mind, rather than your legs, is telling you to stop. This helps you avoid hitting a point where you feel like you can not continue running.
Long runs are great for building confidence as a runner, which will help you feel more ready to take on the mental challenges that lie ahead. And if things get tough for you during the half marathon, you can draw on the strength you have gained from previous long-distance runs to get you through it and finish the race.
4. Quicken Your Body's Metabolic Rate
The chemical reaction known as metabolism occurs when your body stores nutrients from the food and drink you consume and then converts those nutrients into energy. Pam Nisevich Bede, a sports dietitian who works for Abbott and is preparing for her 27th marathon, likened it to an internal fire that keeps our energy going.
'A change in our metabolic state occurs when we increase the amount of activity we do and our fitness level. In the best case scenario, excess fat tissue is replaced by metabolically active lean tissue, which ultimately results in improvements in health, performance, and metabolic burn, 'Nisevich Bede said.
In the days leading up to a race, runners, particularly half marathon runners, undergo a metabolic shift that can be observed. It is common for this kind of increase in activity and fitness to be followed by achieving a healthy weight and improving metabolism. Compared with fat tissue, the same lean muscle tissue, which is required to support training demands, burns more calories.Remind yourself of these advantages of running the next time you are having trouble getting motivated to put on your running shoes and head out onto the trail, road, or track.
5. Maintain Strong And Healthy Joints
According to Lowery, exercise can be very important and beneficial for the health of joints.
According to research, people who engage in regular physical activity, such as runners, have a lower risk of developing cartilage disorders such as osteoarthritis. In addition, running may act as a 'therapeutic tool' to limit chronic inflammation and positively affect cartilage cells, according to a study that looked at runners who had completed a half marathon.
What Kind Of Pace Should I Keep For My Long Run?
You should complete long runs at the pace you can maintain a conversation (unless you are doing a workout).
This pace is approximately one minute slower than the pace at which you ran the half marathon, approximately 90 seconds per mile slower than the pace at which you currently run the 10K, and two minutes slower than the pace at which you run the 5K.
Running at these more relaxed speeds teaches the body to use its available fuel sources efficiently. As a result, it can use both carbohydrates and fats.
The Final Say
The takeaway is that you should be inventive when coming up with new balance challenges and practice them consistently. For example, when you run, you spend a lot of time in a stance where you only support yourself with one leg. Therefore, training of this kind is an absolute necessity.
The Upcoming Half-Marathon Of MP
The Pankh MP Half Marathon is an initiative of the Bansal News to support the persistence and commitment of the upcoming Sport Stars of Madhya Pradesh. There are three categories in the marathon:
- Half-Marathon (21.0975 km)
- Open 10k (10km)
- Run for Fun (6km)
MP Pankh Half Marathon will be concluded with Pankh Khel Protsahan Awards to reward young sports achievers. The event will commence on 26th February 2023 from the TT Nagar Stadium, Bhopal. If you are a fitness and running enthusiast, then come forward and join this thrilling event.
So what are you waiting for? Register now and be a part of the Pankh MP Half-Marathon
Click here! https://mpmarathon.run/registration/marathon
Contact - 942 582 7903, 7880094636, 8269199962
Website- mp.marathon.run
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Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/pankhmarathon/